Saturday, May 28, 2011


Take a moment to think about the hard work that goes into writing. It can be a multi-step process that spans months, if not years. Before I began writing (way way back in grade school...see a previous entry for more on that), I had limited knowledge of the process. To me, writing a story was as easy as sitting in front of a pad of paper and re-writing Star Wars with different characters, ships, and planets. Many years and many writing courses later, I have gained a valuable insight into that process.

It takes a lot more than an afternoon or two of writing to finish a well-polished manuscript. A plot, settings, and characters all need invented. In order to accomplish those feats, the writer must first outline, profile, and summarize. After all the details of the story are worked out, it’s time for a first draft. Many stories written by both amateur and professional writers rarely make it past the first draft. If it does, you can bet there was a lot of sweat, tears, and hair pulling involved. Once all the sweat and tears have been replenished, the slightly balder writer enters the editing and revising process—egad! A final polish and—after several months of sleepless nights and dozens of fast food meals—a presentable manuscript is ready for the mail slot, yes? No! Now the writer must dedicate several hours, days, even weeks or months to find a suitable publisher. That polished sci-fi manuscript won’t go anywhere if it is sent to a publishing house that only prints non-fiction books or poetry.

The writing is done. The research is complete. Now the writer must craft a query letter, cover letter, and/or a proposal. The letter must be concise and engaging or the publisher won’t waste more than a few seconds on it. That’s the brutal truth of the publishing industry. Many writers spend countless hours on a manuscript only to have a publisher glance at it before deeming it ready for the recycle bin. When that happens, don’t give up. Try another publishing house. Keep sending that manuscript away. If several rejections occur, a writer can always re-examine the story. Maybe more editing and revising would strengthen the manuscript. Perhaps a step back from the current manuscript would be beneficial to a new work in progress.

No matter what stage of the writing process you are in, dedication will get you through it. Be stubborn about writing. Set aside a chunk of time each day to fulfill your writing needs and don’t quit until it’s absolutely necessary. Perseverance is a quality all writers must have. Harness that quality, use it day in and day out and you’ll become the writer you always wanted to be.

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